ExUnit Quick Reference


ExUnit Quick Reference

ExUnit is a unit testing framework that comes bundled with Elixir. Elixir is a functional and concurrent language built on top of Erlang so it only makes sense to offer a testing framework that unlocks all of the powerful features of the language.

The goal of this quick reference is to demonstrate the main features of ExUnit as well as some real-world examples to get you ready to use ExUnit quickly.

Table of Contents


First, we will want to setup our test helper and start ExUnit. This file should live under the test directory.



That’s all that is required to start using ExUnit. If you want further configuration options, ExUnit has an ExUnit.configure function that allows you to set up exclusions, formatters, etc.

Basic Example

The most basic example, as shown in the official ExUnit docs, is to assert the truth. We can write a simple test to make this assertion as such:

defmodule AssertionTest do
  use ExUnit, async: true

  test "the truth" do
    assert true

If you are experienced with other testing framework, one line that might stand out is: use ExUnit, async: true. The async: true tells ExUnit to run this test case concurrently with other cases. As the docs point out, all of the tests in this specific module, however, are still run serially.


To run your full test suite:

mix test

To run an individual file:

mix test test/models/post_test.exs

To run an individual test starting on line 123:

mix test test/models/post_test.exs:123


Let’s look at the assertion functions available to you as you test your application with ExUnit. In most cases you can switch between assert for positive assertions and refute for negative assertions.

Assertion Example
assert assert foo == bar
assert (with default message) assert foo == bar, "Womp"
assert_in_delta assert_in_delta 1, 2, 1
assert_raise assert_raise ArithmeticError, fn -> 1 + "test" end
assert_raise (with default message) assert_raise ArithmeticError, "WOMP", fn -> 1 + "test" end
assert_receive assert_receive :hello, 20_00
assert_received assert_received :bye
catch_error assert catch_error(error 1) == 1
catch_exit assert catch_exit(exit 1) == 1
catch_throw assert catch_throw(throw 1) == 1
flunk flunk "This should raise an error"
refute refute false
refute (with default message) refute false, "WOMP"
refute_in_delta refute_in_delta 10, 11, 2
refute_receive refute_recieve :hello, 20_000
refute_received refute_recieved :bye


The ExUnit.Callbacks module defines a number of helpful callbacks we can use to setup context before our tests and tear down context after our test completes.


on_exit fn ->
  IO.puts "This is invoked once the test is done."


setup do
  IO.puts "This is run before each test"

setup with context

setup %{login_as: username} do
  IO.puts "Welcome: #{username}"
  [username: username]


setup_all do
  IO.puts "This is only run once."
  [login_as: "david"]

setup_all with context

setup_all %{login_as: username} do
  IO.puts "This is only run once"
  [username: username]


{:ok, _} = start_supervised(MyServer)


:ok = stop_supervised(MyServer)

Basic Example

defmodule MyTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  setup do
    on_exit fn ->
      IO.puts "Exited from Process: #{inspect self()}"

    [message: "Cheers"]

  test "my message", %{message: message} do
    assert message == "Cheers"


With ExUnit, you can tag tests in a number of different ways, with one of the most common being pending. If you want to tag a test as pending (which gets automatically skipped by mix test, you can apply the tag before the test:

@tag :pending
test "not done yet" do
  assert foo == bar

The other primary behavior tags that come with ExUnit are:

Tag Behavior
capture_log Log messages generated during the individual test if capture_log is not set globally to true
skip Skips the individual test
timeout Customize the timeout in milliseconds for the test
report Includes the provided tags on error reports. See example below

Reporting Tags

The report tag allows you to add elements to the error output

defmodule MyTest do
  @moduletag report: [:role]

  @tag role: "SuperAdmin"
  test "my test" do
    flunk "womp"

A failing test in this situation would add this extra helpful information to the overall error output:

1) my test
   code: flunk "womp"
     role: "SuperAdmin"

Mix Test.Watch


To be fair, this doesn’t come packaged with ExUnit, but this is easily one of my favorite testing tools for Elixir. By adding this tool to your dependencies in mix.exs, you can run:

mix test.watch [optional file path]

and your test suite (or file) will automatically run each time you save a file. It also supports a --stale option that will only run tests which reference modules have changed since the last run. Epic. If you like TDD (and even if you don’t), this tool is a must.


  1. ExUnit Hex Docs
  2. ExUnit on GitHub
  3. ElixirSchool Testing
  4. Phoenix Guides: Introduction to Testing

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you would like to see anything else included and feel free to ask questions.


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