What started out with a simple request, to get an out dated app back up and running, has turned into a multi year relationship that has provided a huge ROI for one of our favorite clients. How you ask? By testing and releasing small featured updates, rolled out over time, all based on real time data collected from the applications use and feedback from its users.
56+ Screens designed,
prototyped & tested
5 User roles created
& implemented
30+ User tests estatblished
& conducted
Our Approach
When Acupoll hired we initially were presented one goal, get their outdated app back upo and running. A fairly simple task and something we're asked to do quite often. However seeing the currect conditon of the app we knew it needed much more. So while the development team began a rails upgrade to get the app stable and performing our design team began working with the client to see what the pain points of the application were. What came from these meeting was sense of the amount of time they spending setting up these surveys which led us to the conclusion that some simple interface changes could make a huge difference.
Experience Design
This started with reevaulating the application from the inside out. We standardized everything, starting with the typography being used, making sure it was easily readable. To unifying then codifying the company's current color palette, all before delivering them a brand new UI kit. From there we took the time needed to prototype and test new features. This was both before and during the applications development. Working with Acupoll's internal team we were able to conduct user testing on multiple devices to ensure only the best results were the ones that made it to prodcution.

from buttons and toggles, to the states of input fields.

some navigational upgrades like the addition on a new side bar.

The result
Built and fully tested, the system now allows for up to 100 respondents to simultneously partake in real-time surveys. These surveys offer a range of question types that allow the app to collect real-time qualitative and quantitative data, also while allowing Acupoll's team and clients to watch the results via a live feed. The live feed features real-time charting, compliled as users answer, and the ability to segment users based on responses. The initial build of the project in 6 months before doing a full realease at the 1 year mark. Since then we have continued to work with Acupoll to introduce both small & large feature upgrades.

"From the onset Littellines was invested in the applications success and that the end result provided value back to our company"
Elizabeth Bingle // VP of Operations & Analytics, Acupoll