The Little Things

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This week here at Littlelines we have been cranking away non-stop on client code and making things function oh so nicely for them. It’s nice having clients that care so much about their work and want to be involved every step of the way. It keeps us working, and continually trying to satisfy ourselves and our clients.

We got a little break yesterday when we received a package here at the office. Excited we all stopped (which means glanced over as we continued to work) while Matt opened the large box. And to our amazement the item inside was packed with pink packing peanuts! Okay maybe only to my amazement and Matt’s annoyance of the thought of how not to get these packing peanuts everywhere. packing peanuts

He couldn’t, so he embraced it. Pink packing peanuts was our exciting little break from all our hard work and we loved every minute of it. Even when we applauded for the success of turning on the Apple monitor that was in the box. It’s the little things at Littlelines, like attentive clients and pink packing peanuts that matter to us and keep us going. Happy weekend friends, until next week!

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